Sunday, May 22, 2011


" They Alone Live Who Live For Ohters, Rest Are More Die Than Alive " - Swami Vivekananda

Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia Of Science And Technology

Isaac Asimov is a science fiction writer. Noticed one of his books titled “Asimov’s Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology “in the biggest book stores in Bangalore. This encyclopedia is considered as the highest ranked book amongst 515 books written by him. It contains the lives and achievements of 1510 scientists starting from ancient history to present date. To complete this book he took and gave life's blood of 12 - 15 years to encapsulate every minuscule life description of each of these scientists. After completion of the book he has written a preface which stands as a quintessential exponential view of human life in few sentences. He says: -

“When the book was ready I was both Happy and Sorry. Happy because I was able to study the life's of 1510 scientists. Sorry because I was able to study only life's of ONLY 1510 scientists considering the inadequacy of my time and research " And he further goes on to say: - " Most hearting fact of sorry and sadness for me is the fact that even though there were so many people who have come and gone from the day of human existence only few people have left their mark on the sands of time ". As per his statical research he says : - " Out of 60,00,000 lack people who walked this earth only 1 person lives mark on the sands of time - And REST DIE LIE WORMS ? ". Off - Course, Very very harsh statement indeed; But is it not true? When each of us die even the person in the next door does not know who we were and what our achievements were in the long life of ours.

" People Who Live For Themselves Will Never Be Remembered While People Who Live For Others Would Never Be Forgotten "

Couple of days back I attended a student’s seminar on personality development. One of the speakers of the conference asked a question and let the floor open to answer the question. The question which was asked was “Can you let me know the name of your parents?” All hands went up. Before any one of the students were able to answer; The questioner said “Wait, Let me not ask this question as I am certain that each of you would be able to answer with proficiency. Instead can you tell me the names of your great grand parents? "

None of the hands went up. When asked why none of the students were able to tell the names of their Great Grand Parents Names? One among the crowd stood up and said in the most intriguing manner “NOT WORTH REMEMBERING, Sir!!! ". In continuation to this question the questioner asked one more additional question "Do you remember the names of Chandrashkher Azad, Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru, and Sukhdev?”Each of the students started shouting Yes, We Know ): - !!!

When asked why they remembered these personalities? One student said: - “People who live for themselves will never be remembered while people who live for others will never be forgotten ". The speaker closed the seminar with a high note which would stand as an eternal wake up call for each of us. Remember this he said : - “If you do not want your great grand children to say what you just said about your great grandparents then lead a life which is WORTH REMEMBERING FOR YOUR GREAT GRAND CHILDREN AND WHOLE OF THE HUMANITY ".

February and March Should Be Considered As The Months Of Infamy In Indian History

Before I conclude this article let me heighten the node of view as to why this article circumferences around 5 personalities. First, 3 days from today; The April 6th is the death anniversary of Isaac Asimov. Second, February and March should be considered as the months of infamy in Indian History since India lost its 4 sons without their sacrifices history of India would have been written totally differently. Among them would be Chandrasekher Azad who shot himself on February 27, 1931. Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were executed by the British Empire on March 23rd 1931. If I keenly observe India lost 4 sons within a time span of 25 days and all them were between the age group of 26 years {Bhagat Singh's age was 23. Chandrashekher Azad's age was 25. Sukhdev's age was 24 and Rajguru's age was 22}. Even if each of their age was less than 26 years they are being remembered by every youth of India even to this day for reason they lived and died for India and not for themselves.

Let me end by the few parting words of A P G Abdul Kalam “Lead a life such that you live a mark on the sands of time ". Are we going to lead such life is a persistent urgent question which each of us can answer during our last moments on our death beds! Is it not?


Is it that we should ask this question at the end of each day so that our funeral will be a festival celebration for the world to enjoy !?

- Thanks
Rajhashekher BC - Raj
Sunday, April 3, 2011 5:29:01 PM

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