Sunday, October 23, 2011


Romain Rollond writes these immaculate lines in one of his books “A biography of anyone is hard to write. But a biography of a saint is the most difficult of all, because most of the drama of a saint's life is lived within - far from the gaze, and even farther from the understanding, of the rest of the world ". After reading these lines of his, a couple of years ago, I did forbid myself from doing research on monk's lives. The reason being, any monk’s life is a war internal kingdom and it would be an vain unsuccessful attempt in first in understanding those undercurrent struggle’s and second it would be impossible to comprehend the measure the degree with which the fire of the furnace incrementally gets churned inside those subtle channels while journeying those razor’s edge’s.

So, in keeping with forbidden sanctorum of saint’s life, I have tried to portray that monk’s life whose life as it were, was inspired by Swami Vivekananda. In doing so, let me also add; I have avoided all research on references to his spiritual life, his mystical experience, and his philosophical ideas. As I do not consider myself to be competent to understand those…nor do I stand a change to co-relate those aspects in layman's language. However, I felt that it would be more appealing to a layman to delineate his personality in layman’s terms and from an Indian perspective. And most importantly what is it that can be learned from this Great Monk of India.

This monk during his pre monastic days was a mathematics professor in a Forman Christian College at Lahore. One day, this mathematics professor heard Swami Vivekananda speaking during his visit of Lahore of 1897. After hearing him he was very much impressed and meet Swami Vivekananda at the time of departure, presented him with a Gold Watch {which was given to him by his wife’s father during his marriage}. Swamiji being a Vedantist returned the watch to his pocket saying “Very well, friend, I shall wear it here in this pocket “. And continued “I don’t want your watch, but I want you“.
This professor could not understand those words of Swamiji then, but within a span of three years he resigned from this post as a professor, renounced worldly life, went to Himalayas, lead a life of spiritual austerity, Traveled to western countries preaching Vedanta philosophy. And after returning to India proclaimed these words which need to be etched in each Indian Heart and Indian Mind from an Indian Blood.

“I am India. India is me. My head is Kashmir. My shoulders are Himalayas. My legs are Kanyakumari. When I walk, India walks; When I speak, India speaks”

These words were the words of Swami Rama Tirtha, whose birth anniversary was yesterday, October 22nd of 1873. On this, next day of his birth anniversary let us meditate on these words of his, for in these words are the greatest impetus an Indian can find in leading life of success, harmony and peace. If every Indian start thinking and acting as if“ I AM INDIA; INDIA IS ME; IF I SPEAK, INDIA SPEAK’S “ then will there be any thing left out which cannot be achieved by an Indian in this life!?

- Thanks
Rajhashekher BC - Raj
Facebook : - Swami Vivekananda Myindiaeternal


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