Saturday, November 19, 2011


Swami Vivekananda speaking on the topic of “Hints of practical spirituality” at Home of Truth, Los Angeles, California, said: “The subject of the practical application of psychology has been taken up in India from very early times. About fourteen hundred years before Christ, there flourished in India great philosopher, Patanjali by name. He collected all the facts, evidences, and researches in psychology and took advantage of all the experiences accumulated in the past” He continued.. “Remember, this world is very old; it was not created only two or three thousand years ago. It is taught here in the West that society began eighteen hundred years ago, with the New Testament. Before that there was no society. That may be true with regard to the West, but it is not true as regards the whole world.”

“ Often, while I was lecturing in London, a very intellectual and intelligent friend of mine would argue with me, and one day after using all his weapons against me, he suddenly exclaimed, "But why did not your Rishis come to England to teach us?" I replied, "Because there was no England to come to. Would they preach to the forests?”

These lines might be jovial momentary, but it is truth in the true sense of the term. India’s contribution in the arena of world education is as old as the world itself and range beyond immeasurable lineage of fifty centuries.

World’s first international residential university of the world “ The Nalananda University “ stands as a constant remainder of the grandeur which India held in the world’s education system. This university was established around 5th century AD, and had about 9 million manuscripts {Approx} which were meticulously prepared, preserved and stored in a nine storied building. The magnitude and gravity of these manuscripts surpasses beyond comprehensions of present age, as even the present day  universities are tottering to its knees to match the height of Nalananda University even after 15 centuries.

This can be proved by a comparative analysis of best universities of world with that of Nalananda University of 5th century. For example, Oxford University has an integrated library service, called Bodleian Libraries. Under its umbrella is housed 40 libraries and combined collections of printed items in these libraries are 11 million. Another example is that of Cambridge university library. Which has 100 libraries in total, which collectively holds around 8 million volumes of books.

Both of these universities are still unable to surpass the count of Nalananda University as a single entity. Below photographic {below} ruins of this university is enchanting as well as heart breaking because of the horror which was perpetuated by 18 invaders of India, who not only committed most barbaric acts on this world’s temple of learning but also ransacked the library {not the whole university} by lighting fire to this library which burnt continuously day and night for six long months.

Before I let each of you to revel for yourself the greatness of this university in the form of pictures, I am remained of these words of Swami Vivekananda which he spoke after his triumphed visit of west, for in these words resides the need of India which needs to be imbibed in the blood of every Indian. “It has been one of the principles of my life not to be ashamed of my own ancestors. I am one of the proudest men ever born, but let me tell you frankly, it is not for myself, but on account of my ancestry” 

Is it our life's principle to be proud of our ancestors!?

Rajhashekher BC - Raj
Saturday, November 19, 2011 
Facebook : - Swami Vivekananda Myindiaeternal

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